Samsung Galaxy S7 new features-Rumour

Samsung Galaxy S7 new features-Rumour
There are new and improved features in the to-be released S7. All the new features have been released to counter all the existing features from other competitors and the previous versions of the S Series. Here below are some of the new features to watch out for.

Galaxy S7 Display

There are some phones enjoying Amoled display but this one will have a super amoled display that is 4k, 5.5-inch.

Galaxy S7 5G Network Connection

While other mobile companies are still trying to get hold of their 4G networks, Samsung Galaxy S7 will have a 5G network connection that will boost your browsing experience. No more delays when downloading anything from the internet for the 5G technology is really fast.  Also on network, there will be a super fast WIFI to enhance connectivity to the internet.

Galaxy S7 30 Megapixels camera

Who could ever have thought of a 30 megapixel camera for a phone? Well, it is no longer a dream for soon enough it shall come to reality when the Samsung Galaxy S7 will be released. Just to highlight a bit, the 30 megapixel will be at the rear of the sleek phone and also there shall be 10 MP for the camera at front. There will also be a newly introduced GigaPixel feature that will help you in shooting your image with more accuracy and clarity.

Samsung Galaxy S7 new features-Rumour

Waterproof Technology

Water will be no longer a problem to this phone for it will be equipped with a waterproof technology that will guard it against water. Users will also be guarded against dust that may harm a mobile device. Therefore, the whole body will be dustproof.

Galaxy S7 Infared Sensors

One of the most amazing features that people should wait to experience is the infared sensor that will be there. It is said that the sensors will be able to measure your body temperature and give an accurate and efficient measure. This is just so amazing that it should be released today!!

There will be many more silent features that Samsung will be adding to give you superb experience.
