Samsung Galaxy S7 Mobile Hardware Specification - Rumour

Samsung Galaxy S7 Mobile Hardware Specification - Rumour
This is the part that matters most to the eagerly waiting customers. There is so much expectation given the pace set by the S6. The manufacturer, Samsung Electronics, will also be watching keenly on what Apple will be releasing in the market before the first quarter of 2016. Our inside source, reveals that Apple are planning on releasing iPhone 7 which will outdo galaxy S6 and therefore Samsung company has no option but to widen their range of specs for the S7. Here below are some of the expected specs of S7.

64 bit Processor

It will be the first android smartphone to have the 64bit Exynos processor. For an improved speed, there will be a 3.5 GHz processing power. With this, expect the fastest speed that one can enjoy with a phone.

32/64 and 128 GB memory

The Galaxy S series are known to be philanthropic with internal memory unlike their competitors. The trend is bound to continue with the new Galaxy S7 expected to be holding up-to 128 GB of internal memory. Thing could change along the way given that S6 is also carrying the same capacity and S7 is an improved version of S6. It is believed that Samsung Electronics are spreading out the rumor of  ‘big internal memory’ to fool Apple and other competitors but come the first quarter of 2016, there will be a great surprise.


Just think of your laptop and what it can hold in terms of capacity. Well, most of the laptops have a lesser RAM than what the S7 will be offering. 4 GB is not a joke. This has sparked excitement since there are many benefits of having a big space like this. So, all your office work can be done in this gadget. This is just the preliminary figure that has been given; we can still expect more if Apple will come with anything of this size by then. Therefore sit back and expect a minimum of 4 GB RAM!

Of course there are many other specs that the phone has but the above mentioned are some of the unique ones that no phone in the market has.